Wohnschau Hamburg 2026 Wohnschau Hamburg 2026
Trade event for interior & design
Dates: TBD
Venue: ModeCentrum Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The Wohnschau trade fair concept is as simple as it is ingenious: As an exhibitor at the Wohnschau Duisburg and Hamburg, you have the opportunity to show your new products and collections in a very concentrated way. The focus is not on opulent and elaborate trade fair stands, but on your products - everything revolves around your sample books, fans, hangers and products!

It's about touching, feeling, seeing and feeling. About good advice, valuable conversations and concentrating on the essentials.

Nowhere else can you as an exhibitor present your offer to your customers in such style. Nowhere else can you meet so many decision-makers in the industry.

Website: https://wohnschau.com/
Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH
Prater 7/3 1020, Wien
Tel: +43-1-934 60 34

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