Wood Products & Technology 2026 Wood Products & Technology 2026 531 days
The most complete wood industry fair in Scandinavia
8/25/2026 - 8/28/2026
Venue: The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The Wood Products & Technology trade fair and meeting place includes virtually every aspect of wood and its uses - from forestry, sawmilling, production, furniture making and exporting to building in wood, research, and creating new materials. No other venue is as effective in bringing together all the people who develop, promote or work with wood. In short, the event provides a great opportunity for concrete, face-to-face dialogues with the leading and most important buyers in a professional and business generating setting.

Website: https://en.traochteknik.se/
Svenska Mässan - The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre
Mässans Gata/Korsvägen, Gothenburg
Tel: +46-31-708 80 00
Svenska Mässan - The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre
Mässans Gata/Korsvägen, Gothenburg
Tel: +46-31-708 80 00

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