YugBuild 2026 YugBuild 2026
Exhibition of finishing and building materials, engineering equipment and architectural design
Dates: TBD
Venue: Expograd Yug, Krasnodar, Russia
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The international exhibition YugBuild is the largest exhibition of building and finishing materials, engineering equipment, construction machinery and architectural projects in the South of Russia.

YugBuild is an effective tool for product promotion at the market of the South of Russia. YugBuild exhibitors are engaged with manufacturing and selling building and finishing materials, engineering equipment, building machinery. They get an opportunity to attract new customers, increase sales by demonstrating their products and services to YugBuild visitors - representatives of building companies, architectural bureaus, wholesale and retail trade enterprises.

YugBuild visitors have an opportunity to get acquainted with a wide range of market novelties showcased by exhibitors and to choose products and services necessary for acomplishing their business tasks.

Website: https://www.yugbuild.com/
Expograd Yug Exhibition & Congress Venue
st. The congress, 1, 350005, Krasnodar
Tel: +7-495-228-05-58
MVK Krasnodar
Kongressnaya Str. 1, pavilion 2, 350005, Krasnodar
Tel: +7-861-200 12 34

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