ZELLCHEMING-Expo 2025 ZELLCHEMING-Expo 2025 119 days
Exhibition and Congress for pulp and paper industry and fiber based materials
7/1/2025 - 7/3/2025
Venue: RheinMain CongressCenter, Wiesbaden, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
ZELLCHEMING-Expo is the platform for the European pulp and paper industry - right across the whole value chain: from raw materials to paper production, further processing, consumption and waste management.

Visitors of ZELLCHEMING-Expo get an overview over the whole product range along the process chain of the pulp and paper production as well as in the sector of fiber based materials. The combination of exhibition, parallel held congress, annual general meeting and fringe program as well as various networking events makes it unique and provides as European industry platform an extraordinary networking forum.

Exhibitors of ZELLCHEMING-Expo meet a competent professional audience of the producing industry. The event attracts several of industry market leaders who presents products, innovations and services along the process chain of the pulp and paper production as well as in the field of fiber based materials. The combination of exhibition, parallel held congress, annual general meeting and fringe program as well as various networking events makes it unique and provides as European industry platform an extraordinary networking forum.

Website: https://www.zellcheming.de/en/events/zellcheming-expo
RheinMain CongressCenter
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 1, Wiesbaden
Tel: +49-(0)611-1729-400
Organizer: ZELLCHEMING Service GmbH

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