akustika - The Trade Fair for Music 2025 akustika - The Trade Fair for Music 2025 33 days
Focus on handcrafted instrument making
4/4/2025 - 4/6/2025
Venue: Nuremberg Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
akustika - The Trade Fair for Music will focus on the diversity and quality of handcrafted musical instrument making and offer numerous workshops and concerts.

Small craft businesses, medium-sized industrial companies, suppliers of materials and tools, manufacturers of accessories, music publishers and wholesalers will be presenting their products and services to interested musicians. Music pupils and students, orchestral musicians and soloists as well as specialist dealers from Germany and abroad will find instruments and advice of the highest standard at akustika Nuremberg. They can play the instruments at the trade fair and find out about the special features directly from the builder. This makes akustika Nuremberg the only platform in Germany to offer musicians such a wide range of products.

Website: https://www.akustika-nuernberg.de/en/
Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
Messezentrum, Nuremberg
Tel: +49-0911-86 06-0
AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH
Am Messezentrum 5, 86159, Augsburg
Tel: +49-821-58982-0

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