area30 2025 area30 2025 200 days
The trade and order fair for the kitchen industry
9/20/2025 - 9/25/2025
Venue: Central Trade Fair Venue of Lohne, Lohne, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
Since its launch in 2011, area30 has been at the centre of the European in-house and specialist trade fair landscape in the areas of design, kitchen and technics. It is the primary ordering trade fair for kitchen studios, specialist kitchen retailers, trade cooperatives, large sales outlets, designers and architects from Germany and its neighbouring countries.

Industry giants, medium-sized companies, entrepreneurs, established brands and innovative newcomers will be presenting their products, concepts and developments. New and well-known manufacturers of kitchen furnishings will be exhibiting side-by-side with suppliers of sinks, taps, extraction systems, accessories, electronic appliances and IT services in a highly concentrated space.

trendfairs gmbh
stefan-george-ring 29 d-81929, munich
Tel: +49-89-3 09 040 190

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