digitalBAU 2026 digitalBAU 2026 386 days
Trade show for digital solutions in the construction industry
3/24/2026 - 3/26/2026
Venue: Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
digitalBAU 2026 from March 24-26 in Cologne addresses the digital transformation in the construction industry and encompasses the entire value and process chain of construction, from planning and construction to the operation and management of buildings, cities and landscapes.

Providers of IT software and hardware as well as digital solutions for the construction industry are linked with architecture, engineering, with industry and trade, research and science as well as with associations and politics.

As part of BAU 2025 (January 13 to 17, 2025) in Munich, the exhibition area "Digital solutions powered by digitalBAU" will occupy Hall C3 with topics including BIM, software and artificial intelligence.

Koelnmesse - Cologne Exhibition Center
Messeplatz 1 50679 Köln, Deutschland, Cologne
Tel: +49-221-821-0
Messe München
Messegelande 81823, Munich
Tel: +49-89-949-20720

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