eltefa 2025 eltefa 2025 22 days
22nd trade fair for electrical, energy, building and industry
3/25/2025 - 3/27/2025
Venue: Messe Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
As the largest regional trade fair in the electrical sector, eltefa is focussed on both the private and commercial sectors of electrotechnical applications. One of the core competencies at eltefa is intelligent house and building engineering. There is a drive in this area for energy efficiency, comfort and security in the smart home. One focus of the programme is the security of infrastructure and IT in the home, management and production. This covers all associated applications, from automation, network technology, building engineering and communication technologies through to all smart technologies for smart solutions.

Website: https://www.messe-stuttgart.de/eltefa/
Messe Stuttgart - Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre
Messepiazza 1, 70629 Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Tel: +49-711-18560-0
Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
Messepiazza 1, Stuttgart
Tel: +49-711-18560-0

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