Kansas Recreation and Park Association (KRPA) logo Kansas Recreation and Park Association (KRPA)
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The Kansas Recreation and Park Association (KRPA) is a non-profit, professional organization representing the parks, recreation, and leisure industry in Kansas. We represent nearly 1,500 professional, commercial, agency, board/commission, student and retiree members throughout the state.

With members in nearly every county, KRPA has a vast network of support and active professionals who are dedicated to improving the quality of life in Kansas by providing high quality park and recreation services. Local parks and recreation agencies and state parks serve millions of Kansans and tourists each year at parks, open spaces and recreation facilities, and through healthy programs for children, adults, and senior citizens.
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KRPA Annual Conference 2026
Kansas Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference & Trade Show
1/27/2026 - 1/29/2026
KRPA Annual Conference 2027
Kansas Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference & Trade Show
Dates: TBD

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