International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) logo International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA)
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The International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) is an organization consisting of national, regional and special interest aerosol research associations. IARA is to promote scientific knowledge and cooperation in the field of aerosol research internationally, to select a host organization for the international aerosol conference held every four years, to recognize prominent aerosol scientists with the Fuchs memorial award every four years and the International Aerosol Fellow award every two years.
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International Aerosol Conference 2026
12th International Aerosol Conference
8/30/2026 - 9/5/2026
International Aerosol Conference 2030
13th International Aerosol Conference
Dates: TBD
International Aerosol Conference 2034
14th International Aerosol Conference
Dates: TBD

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