Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (SENTAC) logo Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (SENTAC)
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The Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (SENTAC) is a collective group of like-minded health care professionals involved in the care of children with otolaryngology, hearing, speech and swallowing disorders. Uniquely composed of physicians and allied health care professionals, SENTAC's members include otolaryngologists, pediatricians, basic scientists, audiologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. SENTAC's primary mission is to provide and share an educational platform to allow collaboration, build community, establish consensus, promote diversity, and explore new treatment ideas among its members with the aim to improve the lives and health of children with ear, nose, and throat concerns across the globe.
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53rd Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advances in Children Annual Meeting
Dates: TBD

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