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The objective of the Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Robots, Automation Systems and ancillary products (NC, tools, components, accessories) has always been to protect the interests of the industry and to promote the growth and spread of an entrepreneurial culture through the supply of services that are constantly updated to meet the requirements of the companies operating in this particular sector.

The members of the Association produce around 70% of the output of the industry and UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE provides expert support for all aspects of corporate activities, including the special skills of its subsidiaries.

In addition, as the official representative of the industry, the Association acts as a worldwide ambassador for some of the latest technology developed in Italy.

UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE is always there to ensure the fullest co-operation and to offer products that are the result of the rapid adaptation of manufacturing companies to changes in demand, through constant commitment to research, marketing improvements, and the optimization of post-sales service.

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Lamiera 2025
International exhibitions in the metal forming sector and technologies related to the processing of the sheet
5/7/2025 - 5/10/2025
BI-MU 2026
35th machine tools, robots, and automation systems exhibition
10/13/2026 - 10/16/2026
Lamiera 2027
International exhibitions in the metal forming sector and technologies related to the processing of the sheet
Dates: TBD
EMO Milano 2027
machine tool world exhibition
Dates: TBD
BI-MU 2028
36th machine tools, robots, and automation systems exhibition
Dates: TBD

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