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DEMA Show 2025 252 days
WORLD'S ONLY international event for the scuba diving industry
11/11/2025 - 11/14/2025
Venue: Orange County Convention Center, Orlando FL, United States
DEMA Show 2026 609 days
WORLD'S ONLY international event for the scuba diving industry
11/3/2026 - 11/6/2026
Venue: Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans LA, United States
DEMA Show 2027
WORLD'S ONLY international event for the scuba diving industry
Dates: TBD
Venue: Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas NV, United States
DEMA Show 2028 1351 days
WORLD'S ONLY international event for the scuba diving industry
11/14/2028 - 11/17/2028
Venue: Orange County Convention Center, Orlando FL, United States
DEMA Show 2029 1708 days
WORLD'S ONLY international event for the scuba diving industry
11/6/2029 - 11/9/2029
Venue: Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans LA, United States
DEMA Show 2030
WORLD'S ONLY international event for the scuba diving industry
Dates: TBD
Venue: TBD, TBD, United States

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