The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) logo The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS)
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CONVEY'25 132 days
Annual safety and operations-focused conference
7/14/2025 - 7/16/2025
Venue: Hilton Omaha, Omaha NE, United States
GEAPS Exchange 2026 354 days
The biggest and best show in the grain industry!
2/21/2026 - 2/24/2026
Venue: Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City MO, United States
CONVEY'26 517 days
Annual safety and operations-focused conference
8/3/2026 - 8/5/2026
Venue: Hilton Omaha, Omaha NE, United States
GEAPS Exchange 2027 718 days
The biggest and best show in the grain industry!
2/20/2027 - 2/23/2027
Venue: Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City MO, United States

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