International Aerosol Conference 2026 International Aerosol Conference 2026 542 days
12th International Aerosol Conference
8/30/2026 - 9/5/2026
Venue: Xi'an Qujiang International Convention Center, Xian, China
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
We are delighted to invite you to the 12th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2026), taking place in Xi'an, China, from August 30 to September 5, 2026.

On behalf of the Scientific Steering Committee, General Conference Chair, and the Organizing Committee, we extend our warmest welcome to friends and colleagues from universities, institutes, organizations, and companies worldwide. The conference theme, "Breathe the same air, share the common fate," underscores our shared commitment to advancing aerosol science for the betterment of society.

The IAC 2026 promises to be an exciting and enriching experience, featuring a diverse program of plenary sessions, symposia, poster presentations, and networking opportunities. We will try our best to assembled a distinguished group of speakers and experts who will share their insights and latest research findings in the field of atmospheric and aerosol sciences.

Xi'an Qujiang International Conference and Exhibition Centre
Qujiang, Xian
Tel: +86-29-62885719
International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA)
Taipei, Taipei
Tel: +886-2-null

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